September 29, 2022
Live performance ‘Music For Delirious Episodes’ at Roodkapje Rotterdam
Visuals by Void_3_4_
Music video’s
‘Orientation’ is taken from the album with Radboud Mens ‘Marking A Boundary With The Turning Point’
Out via Shimmering Moods
In this video, the scenery reflects the tension between horizontal and vertical musical events described in the album, where the apparent stillness reveals small, dynamic acoustic occurrences that can be perceived differently by each listener. What one perceives as an inconspicuous sonic detail, another can consider the focal point of their auditory experience.
Director: Jelmer Noordeman
“Awakening Delusion” is taken from the album Music For Delirious Episodes
Director: Sibe Kokke // NOTDEF
‘NTRZPM’ is taken from the ep AMAZING BUBBLE II
Director: Joost Kosir // Dirty Brown
‘Ffog’ is taken from the ep Six Scores One